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IC researcher from OIMC and LABMUNDO presents work at SEMIC-UERJ 2023

On 29 September 2023, OIMC and LABMUNDO Scientific Initiation researcher Arthur Vargas Facini presented his research project Climate Denialism and Obstruction Policies: the cases of Brazil and Argentina at the 32nd Scientific Initiation Week of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (SEMIC-UERJ).

Supervised by Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani and with the participation of our researcher Janaína Pinto, the study aims to undertake a preliminary mapping of the leaders and organisations in Brazil that deny the phenomenon of climate change and obstruct policies for its mitigation, as well as practices they employ in this process, and to understand them in a comparative way with the Argentinian scenario, investigated by a team led by Ricardo Gutiérrez (EPyG-UNSAM).

Held between 25 and 29 September, SEMIC-UERJ 2023 was an event dedicated to monitoring and evaluating the production of scientific knowledge at undergraduate level, as well as serving as a space for disseminating research projects developed at the university to the internal and external communities.