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Anthropocene, nature-society relations and ecological-social transitions

It aims to develop systematizations and theoretical proposals on how the Anthropocene and climate change impact different fields, including: (i) Social theory and climate change; (ii) Critical theories and popular education; (iii) Political theory and international relations. Such developments are made from the perspective of the social and human sciences in dialogue with other areas and modalities of knowledge, but also in line with the singularities of the Brazilian context.

Climate justice, public policies and socio-environmental conflicts

It aims to develop activities on human rights and their relationship with inclusion and intersectionality in the following fields: inequality and environmental justice; conceptions of justice and climate conflicts; conservation and resilience of socio-environmental systems; ecosystem services and ecosystem-based adaptation; public health policies and climate change; public education policies and climate change.

Global ecopolitics, climate negotiations and the science-policy nexus

It aims to develop activities on (i) climate multilateralism, foreign policy and the role of international agencies, (ii) actors and debates in the field of green transition programs, such as energy transition, the Green New Deals and the dynamics of cooperation and conflict in the definition of public policies for mitigation, adaptation and compensation and, finally, (iii) the actors of environmental disinformation and climate obstruction in transnational networks.

Background photo - Clara Salamonde