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Anthropocene, Climate Change and Social Sciences in Brazil Seminar

The Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC), with the support of the State of Rio de Janeiro Research Support Foundation (FAPERJ) and the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), invites the academic community and all those interested in tackling the climate emergency to the Anthropocene, Climate Change and Social Sciences in Brazil seminar. The event will be held on March 30 and 31, 2023, at the Maracanã Campus of UERJ (R. São Francisco Xavier, 524 – Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro).

In the context of current climate change, the intensification of global warming and extreme events is a problem that is at once scientific, theoretical, political, economic, environmental and educational.

As much as political ecology allows us to understand new relations between humans and nature, it is only after the Anthropocene that these relations reach insurmountable limits, since human society is now recognized as a geological and structuring agent, confronted with the need for unavoidable transformations in its fossil, extractivist, polluter and unequal economic organization.

While science notes that the future of the human species (and other species) is in jeopardy, environmental policies need to establish new, indispensable values to respond to climate challenges. It becomes inevitable to reformulate what development, prosperity, abundance, freedom and justice mean.

Aiming to translate the climate problematic into research agendas for the Social Sciences, the OIMC team will bring together more than 20 internationally renowned researchers, among Brazilian and foreign specialists, to present the diversity of challenges and strategies needed to deal with the phenomenon, in five panels scheduled for the two days of the event.

Participants of the Anthropocene, Climate Change and Social Sciences in Brazil seminar will receive certificates of participation issued by the organization


9:00AM – 9:30AM – Institutional Opening
Tainá de Paula (Secretária de Ambiente e Clima da cidade do Rio de Janeiro)
Luciano Paez (Secretário municipal do Clima da cidade de Niterói)
Luiz Antonio P. da Mota (Pró-reitoria de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa – UERJ)
Carlos R. S. Milani (Coordenador do OIMC)

10:00AM – 12:00PM – 1st Panel: Anthropocene and nature-culture relations
• Moderator: José Maurício Domingues (IESP-UERJ)
Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES)
Myanna Lahsen (INPE and Linköping University)

2:00PM – 4:00PM – 2nd Panel: Climate justice, democracy and socio-environmental rights
• Moderator: Rubens de Siqueira Duarte (ECEME)
Danielle Rached (USP)
Denise Vitale (UFBA)
Danielle Costa da Silva (UFRJ)
Pablo Saturnino Braga (UERJ/IBMEC)

4:30PM – 6:30PM – 3rd Panel: Climate emergence and socio-ecological transitions
• Moderator: Elza Neffa (UERJ)
Henri Acselrad (UFRJ)
Breno Bringel (IESP-UERJ) (virtual)
Renata Albuquerque Ribeiro (Plataforma Cipó)

State University of Rio de Janeiro – Auditorium 111 – Block F
R. São Francisco Xavier, 524 – Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro

10:00AM – 12:00PM – 4th Panel: Public policy and climate emergency
• Moderator:
Mário Soares (UERJ)
Leila da Costa Ferreira (UNICAMP)
Henrique Pereira (UFAM)
Ricardo Gutiérrez (Universidade Nacional de San Martín)

12:30PM – 4:30PM – 5th Panel: Global ecopolitics and collective action in the climate field
• Moderator:
Carlos R. S. Milani (IESP-UERJ)
Enara Echart Munhoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Maria Villareal (UNIRIO)
Leonildes Nazar (Instituto Clima e Sociedade)
Diogo Ives (IESP-UERJ)

4:30PM – 6:30PM – Get-together Cocktail

Ecumenical Chapel of the State University of Rio de Janeiro
R. São Francisco Xavier, 524 – Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro