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Articles published by OIMC members

Emergência Climática e Ativismos da Juventude: Um Estudo de Caso em Lisboa

CASTRO, M. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, Vol. 11, N.º 1 (2024)

Governança florestal na ONU após a Declaração de Glasgow: novas tensões entre Norte e Sul

QUADROS, D. I. de.  Revista InterAção15(1) (2024)

BRICS+ and South-South Cooperation Challenged by the Climate Emergency

MILANI, Carlos R. S. Transatlantic Policy Quarterly Vol. 22, N. 4 (2023/24)

Blue carbon credits: a lot of promises but even more uncertainties for the Global South

SOARES, M. L. G.; COMTE, A.; CORMIER-SALEM, M.-C.; GUILLOTREAU, P., Manouvrier, S.; Proisy, C.; Chabrol, R.; Sakho, I.; Agraz Hernández, C. M. Policy brief publicado pelo Institute de recherche pour le Développment (IRD-França). Apresentado durante a COP 28 (2023)

A Cúpula da Amazônia como Plataforma para o Fortalecimento da “OPEP do Carbono Florestal”

- TRIANI, Beatriz. Boletim OPSA n. 3 (jul./set. 2023)

Rights-Based Climate Litigation in Brazil: An Assessment of Constitutional Cases Before the Brazilian Supreme Court

GARRIDO, Carolina de Figueiredo; MOREIRA, Danielle de Andrade; NINA, Ana Lucia B; NEVES, Maria Eduarda Segovia Barbosa. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 2023

Climate obstruction in the Global South: Future research trajectories

MILANI, Carlos R. S; et al. PLOS Climate (2023).

Mudanças Climáticas e Forças Armadas nos documentos oficiais de defesa

- DUARTE, Rubens de S.. Diálogos Soberania e Clima V.2 N° 1, Janeiro de 2023

A política externa brasileira a partir de 2023: a necessidade de uma frente ampla nacional, regional e internacional

- MILANI, Carlos R. S.; IVES, Diogo. CEBRI - Revista do Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, n. 5 (2023)

Climate delay discourses present in global mainstream television coverage of the IPCC’s 2021 report

- PINTO, Janaína; et al. Communications, Earth & Environment 4, 118 (2023)

Climate change and its lexicon: An analytical and critical view

DOMINGUES, José Maurício. An International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society n. 36 (2023)

On the Intersection of International Security, Defense, and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean

- TRIANI, Beatriz; et al. Brazilian Journal of International Relations, V. 11 N. 2 (2022)

The political dimension and the unsurpassable exteriority of ‘nature’.

- DOMINGUES, José Maurício. International Journal of Social Imaginaries, v. 1, p. 17-41, 2022.

Litigância climática e licenciamento ambiental: consideração da variável climática à luz dos tratados internacionais sobre o clima

GARRIDO, Carolina de Figueiredo; MOREIRA, Danielle de Andrade; NEVES, Maria Eduarda Segocia Barbosa. Revista de Direito Internacional, v. 19, p. 61-79, 2022.

Is Climate Obstruction Different in the Global South? Observations and a Preliminary Research Agenda

- MILANI, Carlos R. S.; et al. CSSN Position Paper n. 4. Climate Social Science Network (Brown University). 2021

How and why European and Chinese pro-climate leadership may be challenged by their strategic economic interests in Brazil.

– MILANI, Carlos R. S. & NAZAR CHAVES, Leonildes. Asia Europe Journal, 27 nov 2021.

Projections of excess cardiovascular mortality related to temperature under different climate change scenarios and regionalized climate model simulations in Brazilian cities

SILVEIRA, Ismael Henrique; CORTES, Taísa Rodrigues; OLIVEIRA Beatriz Fátima Alves de; junger, Washington Leite. Environmental Research, v. 197, 2021

A questão climática e ambiental nos discursos de Bolsonaro em arenas multilaterais: uma breve análise de conteúdo

- COSTA DA SILVA, Daniela. Revista Diálogos Internacionais, v.8, nº 81, 2021.

Covid-19 between Global Human Security and Ramping Authoritarian Nationalisms

– MILANI, Carlos R. S. Geopolítica(s) Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, v. 11, n. Especial, p. 141-151, 11 may 2020.

Pagamentos por Serviços Ambientais, Mercado de Crédito de Carbono e as trocas desiguais

– NEFFA, Elza; TOSTES, José Glauco Ribeiro; DIAS, Guilherme Vieira. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, v. 14, p. 235-254, 2020.

Wavelet Analysis Applied to the Identification of Climatic Variability in a Coastal Plain in Southeastern Brazil

– SOARES, Mario Gomes; ESTEVAM, Marciel Rocha de Medeiros; FERNANDES, Alexandre Macedo. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 95, p. 1422-1426, 2020.

Socioenvironmental tensioning in coastal communities: an interdisciplinary study in the mangroves of southern Bahia

– NEFFA, Elza; SOARES, Mário, NEFFA, Krishna; CASTRO, Júlio Augusto de. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, p. 01-23, 2020.

Os limites da política externa dos pequenos Estados em desenvolvimento: A atuação de Cabo Verde na agenda das mudanças climáticas (2010-2019)

- SEMEDO, Emanuel de J. C., KLEIN, Magno. Revista Política Hoje, v. V. 29, p. 102, 2020.

Educação Ambiental para além do capital: um desafio do século XXI

- NEFFA, Elza; SILVA, Elmo R. da; CASTRO, Krisha N. V. de. Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental, v. 15, p. 507-527, 2020.

Socioenvironmental Aspects Related to Mangrove Forests under the Influence of Oil Exploitation Activities in Northeastern Brazil: An Interdisciplinary Approach

- SOARES, M. ; NEFFA, ELZA ; PELLEGRINI, Júlio Augusto de Castro. Journal of Coastal Research, v. SI, p. 88-91, 2020.

Bibliographic References

This list presents bibliographical references on climate change mainly in the broad fields of social and human sciences.

Collecting knowledge on climate change for the production of teaching materials and training

Final Report (January 31st, 2023)

The OIMC publicizes the final report of the survey “Collecting knowledge on climate change for the production of teaching materials and training”, conducted by our team during the month of August 2022 with a target audience belonging to three segments: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and its partners (ABONGCUTMST and Peregum); community of teachers, students and administrative staff of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and the Municipal Forum on Climate Change of Niterói (FMMC Niterói). The document was developed from the analysis of 488 answers to a questionnaire on the subject, structured by the researchers in cooperation with partner organizations.

Content analysis of official foreign policy speeches (ACPOLEX)

Danielle Costa da Silva and Beatriz Triani (July 25th, 2020)

We started to build the database of official speeches by Brazilian authorities, mainly presidents, in 2012, and have since then constantly updated it according to the succession of presidents and the years of government. All speeches by ex-presidents are available on the website of the Library of the Presidency of the Republic, having been downloaded, organized and inserted in the speech bank of this project. Currently, the speech bank covers from José Sarney until the first year of Jair Bolsonaros government (2019).

Brazilian and world-wide interdisciplinary research centers and networks on climate change

List updated on April 11, 2021

The centers, networks, observatories, and research programs included in this list were selected based on the following criteria:

  • They conduct interdisciplinary (or transdisciplinary, in some rarer cases) research on climate change.
  • They promote communication and dialogue activities between the world of science and the field of public policy at all levels (local, national, regional, and global).
  • They are in favor of the design of public policies to face the harmful effects and causes that generate the problem of global climate change, that is, they do not adopt or disclose denialism and contrarian attitudes as to the role of science in the debate on climate change. This does not mean that they cannot take on critical positions in relation to the world of science and the field of public policies, or even in relation to the role of private and non-governmental actors in matters of climate change.

The centers, networks, observatories, and programs are presented according to geographic divisions and, within each region or country, in alphabetical order.

Background photo - Clara Salamonde