Na série "Comentários" integrantes do OIMC publicam textos curtos (3 páginas em média) em formato livre e de opinião sobre temas da conjuntura climática nacional e internacional.
OIMC prepared, in collaboration with the Law, Environment and Justice in the Anthropocene Research Group and the Inter-American Human Rights System Study and Research Group, a document with written observations on the Advisory Opinion on climate issues for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR). The observations developed by the authors focused on the relationship between climate, the environment and human rights and on the centrality of the concepts of climate justice and environmental racism in interpreting the human rights crisis associated with the climate emergency.
Final Report (January 31st, 2023)
The OIMC publicizes the final report of the survey “Collecting knowledge on climate change for the production of teaching materials and training”, conducted by our team during the month of August 2022 with a target audience belonging to three segments: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and its partners (ABONG, CUT, MST and Peregum); community of teachers, students and administrative staff of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and the Municipal Forum on Climate Change of Niterói (FMMC Niterói). The document was developed from the analysis of 488 answers to a questionnaire on the subject, structured by the researchers in cooperation with partner organizations.
In February 2023, OIMC, Food for Justice and the Universidade de Heldelberg (Germany) will host the international conference Climate Change & Social Sciences at the Institute for Latin American Studies of the Freie Universität in Berlin (FU Berlin). Co-organised by Prof. José Maurício Domingues, researcher of our strategic core, and with the presence of our coordinator Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani, the conference is part of the international partnership between IESP-UERJ and FU-Berlin.
On March 30 and 31, 2023, OIMC promotes with the support of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), the Anthropocene, Climate Change and Social Sciences in Brazil seminar. Held on UERJ’s Maracanã Campus, the event seeks to translate the climate issue into research agendas for the Social Sciences, bringing together more than 20 internationally renowned researchers, including Brazilian and foreign specialists, to present the diversity of challenges and strategies needed to deal with the phenomenon, in five tables scheduled for both days.
Through this project of interviews with climate leaderships, the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC) promoted a series of dialogues with activists, researchers and members of civil society organizations with emphasis not only in the production of knowledge, but also in building bridges between the most diverse struggles for the climate and for public policies. By means of short interviews of 10 to 15 minutes, OIMC sought to understand what motivated the interviewee to dedicate him/herself to the subject, in addition to hearing his/her opinions and projections regarding the future of the climate agenda in Brazil and in the world, with emphasis on the role of youth in activist networks and in political debates on climate change. In this way, the Observatory sought to contribute to the promotion of dialogue between sectors differently engaged in the fight against the perverse effects of climate change and, thus, to directly and indirectly influence the public debate on the subject.
The project leaders were Beatriz Triani and Mariana Dias, at the time undergraduate students of International Relations at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).