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OIMC Scientific Initiation project selected with Honorable Mention at SEMIC-UERJ 2023

The work presented by Arthur Vargas Facini, OIMC and LABMUNDO junior researcher, at UERJ’s 32nd Scientific Initiation Week (SEMIC) was selected as one of the 331 highlights among more than 1238 works presented in this edition. Granted the Honorable Mention, the work will compete with the other highlights for the Thereza Christina Barja Fidalgo Science Initiation Award.

Entitled Climate Denial and Obstruction Politics: The Cases of Brazil and Argentina, the project aims to undertake a preliminary mapping of the leaders and organisations in Brazil that deny the phenomenon of climate change and obstruct policies for its mitigation, as well as practices they employ in this process, and to understand them in a comparative way with the Argentinian scenario, investigated by a team led by Ricardo Gutiérrez (EPyG-UNSAM). This work is the result of research carried out by the Observatory’s Climate Denial study group, led by Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani with the participation of Janaína Pinto (IESP-UERJ).