The Ocean Regions Programme, based in the Department of Political Science at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), is releasing the report of the 2nd Colloquium Ocean Regions in an Era of Global Transformations.
Organised by the research group in November 2023, under the coordination of Prof Maxi Shoeman, the event brought together researchers, diplomats and Navy personnel from various countries to discuss how to formulate public policies that take the oceans into account in their different dimensions: the oceans as a blue economy that drives social and economic benefits, the oceans as a space for projecting the power of states and transnational corporations and, finally, the oceans as a subsystem of planet Earth that therefore integrates the current debates on the Anthropocene and anthropogenic climate change. Prof Carlos R. S. Milani, coordinator of the OIMC, took part in the conference, speaking on the panel The BRICS (BRICS+) in the maritime context.
The document describes the main issues addressed during the six panel discussions at the meeting, in the order of the programme, and was drawn up by the institution’s students involved in the project. The work of the Ocean Regions Programme is supported by the South African National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS).