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OIMC and GIGA discuss climate policy at IESP-UERJ

On 9 October 2024, as part of the activities associated with the project Climate obstruction and foreign policy in comparative perspective, the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change invites researchers from the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Miriam Prys-Hansen, Christiane J. Fröhlich and Jesus Renzullo, to participate in the panel Climate Politics: domestic and international dynamics, at our headquarters at the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ).

Held in the Carlos Hasenbalg Room and open to all interested parties, the panel will include presentations of the research Global level climate obstruction under the Indo-Chinese rivalry, by Prof. Prys-Hansen, Domestic repression in climate obstruction actions, by Prof. Fröhlich and Globalisation of climate-derived conflict: the fragility of global food supply chains, by Renzullo, as well as an opening by Prof. Ana Paula Tostes, project coordinator, and mediation by Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani, OIMC coordinator. The following week, our colleagues’ international mission will allow for an internal meeting with the Observatory’s team, with the participation of Rubens DuarteDiogo Ives, Janaína PintoMaria Isabel Santos LimaMariana CastroBeatriz Triani and Júlia Furtado Reis, as well as the researchers previously mentioned.