On June 8, 2024, OIMC researcher Emanuel Semedo participated as one of the guest speakers at the panel Building parachutes: what’s up to us in the face of the climate crisis, promoted by the Rio de Janeiro State Center for Science and Higher Distance Education Foundation (Cecierj) as the closing event of its Environment Week. The doctoral student in Political Science at IESP-UERJ shared the panel with philosopher Rodrigo Carqueja (IFCH-UERJ) and economist Rita Maria da Silva Passos (IPPUR-UFRJ)
Organized in celebration of International Environment Day, celebrated on June 5, Environment Week was held at the Science and Life Museum in Duque de Caxias (RJ), with the purpose of raising society’s awareness of the importance of nature, environmental preservation and collective action. The event was supported by the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (Faperj).